
Glorious Conclusions- Part 3

May 19, 2024 • Pastor Doug Forman • Romans 8:31–39, Colossians 2:13–15, Jude 24–25

Every human being lives with some sense of self or identity. By that I mean, we all have an inward view of ourselves and where we fit in the world that affects how we live our life, interact with people, respond to our circumstances, and make decisions.

This week we are going to bring Romans 8 to its final conclusion and the apostle Paul is going to shine a light on an important aspect of the Christian’s identity. He says that, if you are in Christ, you are, right now, more than a conqueror.

The question becomes this; how does that present tense truth align with how you see yourself, how you’re responding to life, and the choices that you’re making…right now?