
02 Christmas Perspectives - Christmas from the prophet's perspective

December 11, 2022 • Dr. Steve Baley

This Advent we are looking at the birth of Jesus Christ through four different lenses or perspectives.

Have you ever wondered what the Old Testament prophets thought of Old Testament prophecy?

This week we will investigate the prophet Isaiah's perspective of his own messianic prophecies. It is our prayer that seeing Advent through the eyes of the prophet will cause us to give the Lord Jesus Christ, our Messiah, the worship that He is due this Christmas season.

04 Christmas Perspectives - Christmas from Christ's perspective

December 25, 2022 • Pastor Doug Forman • Philippians 2:5–11

This week we will conclude our Advent series by considering Christmas from Christ's perspective. What was Jesus focused on when He was born of the virgin Mary? His singular ambition from eternity past, through the manger, to the Cross, and as He stepped out of that defeated tomb means eternal life to all who embrace Him. It is our hope that this consideration will fuel your worship of Christ this Christmas day and give you yet another reason to celebrate.

03 Christmas Perspectives - Christmas from the Father's perspective

December 18, 2022 • Jeremiah Wheeler • Isaiah 53

A perspective can be defined as the lens through which a person sees a thing. We live in a world where there are as many perspectives as there are people. That isn't to say, however, that one's perspective is always rooted in truth or that we clearly see the thing we're looking at. Today, Jeremiah Wheeler will help us examine some of the things that we tend to focus on at Christmas time - presents, lights, family - and how that shapes what Christmas means to us. Then we will look at Isaiah 53 and consider the meaning of Christmas by showing what it meant to God from the Father’s perspective.

01 Christmas Perspectives - Christmas from the devil's perspective

December 4, 2022 • Pastor Doug Forman • 1 John 3:4–10

A perspective can be defined as the lens through which a person sees a thing. We live in a world where there are as many perspectives as there are people. That isn't to say, however, that one's perspective is always rooted in truth or that we clearly see the thing we're looking at. This Advent season we will consider the birth of Jesus Christ from four different perspectives beginning with Christmas from the devil's perspective. It is our hope that as we connect this consideration with the celebration of Communion that it might cause you to love Christmas and the Christ of Christmas even more.