

Week 5

February 2, 2020

Being told about something amazing will always pale in comparison to actually experiencing it. For so many of us, we think it is enough to only hear about Jesus. Yet, unless we are willing to live the life he calls us to, we'll never experience the amazing he has for us.

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Turning Down the Noise

February 23, 2020

When it comes to seeking rhythms in life, we need to fix our focus and turn down the "noise" in order to see clearly. Press pause for a moment in your busy day and hear what God has in store for you as you get into a rhythm with him.

The B-I-B-L-E

February 17, 2020 • Daniel Knutson

"The Bible Says” has more meaning to it than we give it credit for. Jesus's resurrection isn’t true because the Bible says it. The Bible says it because the resurrection is true. This isn’t a fairytale, this is a recounting of what actually happened. The Bible contains writings from more than 40 authors spanning 1600 years, with eyewitness accounts supporting the narratives found within. Jesus's life alone has more historical, corroborated evidence than most historical leaders we learn about in school. Make reading the Bible a regular part of the rhythm of your life.

Real ROI

February 9, 2020 • Daniel Knutson

While each of us is uniquely gifted we are all called to the same purpose: invest toward eternity. It is too easy to take what we have and squander it on the temporary or for selfish gain. There is more to life than the here and now, and eternity is definitely longer than the temporary-now. But how can we invest what we have wisely?