
Lies Others Tell Us

March 17, 2019 • Daniel Knutson

We can put too much weight into what others say and think about us. Social media, other Christians, those who don’t believe in Jesus—everyone has an opinion. Worse, we can be called a hypocrite, crazy, Jesus Freak, etc. We get attacked by our friends, our family, other Christians, Satan...anything to distract us from recognizing we are made on purpose with a purpose.

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We Are Not DIY

April 14, 2019 • Michael Curl

We get it into our heads that we are supposed to do life on our own. That if we can't do it, we are worthless and garbage, destined for the trash. All of this is http://true...if we were meant to do it on our http://own...but were we?

Crafted to Create

March 31, 2019 • Daniel Knutson

From the beginning, words have had significant power. How we choose to use our words can teardown and destroy or build up and give life. What will you choose to speak into existence?

Crafted to Lead

March 31, 2019 • Daniel Knutson

We are all leading someone to somewhere. We often don't have a choice as to who we lead, but we do have a choice in how we lead and what we lead them to. Where will you lead them?