
Obligations of a Great People

October 20, 2009 • Ronald L. Dart

Today's message is about the greatest, wealthiest and most powerful nation the world has ever seen. I know, in their own days, Greece and Rome were great and powerful. And the British Empire at its peak was indeed a great Empire. These were nations that created empires. Yet there is no American Empire, because Americans have never wanted one.

In our history, Americans have mainly wanted to be left alone. Left alone to build families and businesses. Left alone to live and enjoy life. Fortunately, or unfortunately, history has not left us alone.

During Ronald Reagan's funeral, as I watched the greatest nation bury one her greatest presidents, I was overwhelmed with an awareness of how great, how wealthy, how powerful this nation has become. And some questions grew in my mind. To what do we own our greatness as a people? Are there any obligations that go with that greatness, that power?

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