The disciples of Jesus came to him one day with a request: “Lord, teach us to pray.” Jesus replied with a remarkably concise, model prayer. We call it “the Lord’s Prayer” and everyone knows it by heart, if only from simple repetition.
But I don’t think repetition is exactly what Jesus had in mind. Rather, I think he gave us an outline for prayer and left it to us to fill in the details. But in the process of thinking it through, we can see a lot of interesting things in that prayer. For example, take this sentence: “Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.” Every time I come to that phrase, I seem to come up with new questions.
Consider the wording: Thy will be *done*, on earth as it is *done* in heaven. Who carries out God’s will here on earth? Who is supposed to measure up to the heavenly standard of implementation—us? If so, the problem I hear from people is that, when faced with a difficult situation, they are rather unclear about what God’s will actually is. *Can* we know?
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Thy Will Be Done
March 8, 2010 • Ronald L. Dart
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