
Class 3 - The Apostolic Prayer Dimension

Minister Kapresha Moore & Pastor Carolyn Spellman

August 22, 2019

Prayer Challenge:
-Wives: Choose 3 women, not family members, to pray for. Call and pray with one woman per day. Use at least 3 of the scriptures from Monday’s homework to pray over the women.
-Singles: Rise at 5 a.m. and pray for yourself for at least 30 minutes. Then call someone else, it can be a family member, and pray for them. Let the Holy Spirit show you who to call.
-Husbands: Sow 3 consecutive days of prayer into your wives. Please pray with them.
*Special Next Level Challenge - Wives, privately pray 30 consecutive days over your husbands. Prayer is work! Be strategic and seek the Holy Spirit for what to pray over them.

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