Subsplash Apps Are Now Faster Than Ever

February 23, 2017

Yep, you read that correctly. Subsplash apps are now faster than ever. How fast? Instantaneous! As part of our latest software update for iOS (v. 4.5.3), we have added instantaneous page loading for all of our clients. This update is being shipped as we speak (some of you may already have it installed!), so if you have a Subsplash app, expect to see it available under “Updates” in the iTunes store within the next few weeks. We are so excited to help make the user experience better than ever!

Why Does This Matter?

So the apps load a few seconds faster….why is that a big deal? Great question. We can’t lie, we’re pretty excited about instantaneous page loading, but our excitement goes much deeper than simply erasing a few seconds of loading time. Here at Subsplash, one of our mottos is “delivering delight”. We spend countless hours working on the minute details of features that users and church leaders may not think to request, but are delighted to find when they interact with our apps. If you are a church leader looking to get an app for your church, you may not think to ask about the minor details like page loading times, but those minor details make a huge difference. If your app is slow, lacks innovative design, or simply pulls in a bunch of website links, then chances are your congregation is not going to adopt the app the way you’d like. A bad first impression can be enough to steer users away from using your app, and if people aren’t using your app, it’s a waste of money! We never want that to happen, so that’s why we focus so much on the minor details in everything from big ticket items like our media player and giving platform, all the way down to how fast each page loads. And that’s why instantaneous page loading matters! We hope you enjoy the lightning fast experience!


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