Mobile Giving Can Help Your Church This Summer!

July 13, 2016

During the summer months the landscape at your church likely changes. While people travel, host friends and family, and spend more time out in the sun instead of in the pews, churches don't generally see the same levels of attendance and tithing.

As more people continue to adopt mobile, mobile giving is also becoming a regular part of people's digital lives - in fact, mobile donations increased by 45% from 2014 to 2015. What if giving at your church increased during the summer instead of dipped? 




Mobile Giving can be a huge benefit to churches who are wanting to keep their congregation engaged during the summer, despite people's hectic summer schedules. Here are a few ways Subsplash Giving can help: 

Recurring Giving

When users spend a few brief minutes setting up an account with Subsplash Giving they have the option to set up a recurring gift that will automatically withdraw funds on a fixed  day every month. This allows members of your church to continue to give faithfully even if their summer schedule clashes with regular life rhythms.



Give From Anywhere

Now with mobile giving, you can give from anywhere! Creating an app for your organization gives you an incredible opportunity to meet your community where they are at. When users go to your app to engage with your content, whether it be weekly sermons or blog posts, Giving can be front and center. 

Whether your community is out of town for just a weekend, or for a full month, chances are they won't be without their mobile phones. To help bring even more attention to how easy mobile giving is you can leverage other great tools, like push notifications.

[.blog-contact-cta]Let's chat[.blog-contact-cta]about helping you see the benefits of mobile giving for your community! 


Give your donors the best giving experience with Subsplash Giving.
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