How to use push notifications to increase giving adoption

February 14, 2017

You've just rolled out a new giving solution to your church that makes generosity easier than ever. Hooray! But now you need to encourage widespread adoption. Most church staff members may see this as a daunting task, but we have good news: with the proper plan in place, it's actually not daunting at all!

There are many ways to encourage the adoption of a new giving solution (keep reading to learn how to get your hands on some additional resources), but today we are going to focus on push notifications.

Push notifications are especially effective because you can attach an actionable item to each message. If someone in your congregation receives a notification encouraging generosity, they can give immediately right inside their app, rather than having to go online and take additional steps.

Here are a few scenarios where push notifications can be helpful, as well as some ideas of how to use them:

  1. Announcing a new giving solution: "You are an important part of our ministry. Thank you for believing in it! If you'd like to help further our mission, you can now donate inside our app in just a few seconds. We appreciate your generosity!"
  2. Pointing to a tutorial video: "Our new mobile giving is simple, secure, and in our app. Check out this video to learn more!"
  3. Milestones: "Over half of our congregation has given a gift through the app! Thanks for your caring hearts and generosity!"
  4. Call to Biblical generosity: "We believe in cheerful and sacrificial giving (2 Cor. 9:7). How is God calling you to greater generosity?"
  5. Announce special projects during the service, on your church website and custom mobile app, and on your social media
  6. Seasonal messages: "Don’t have time to pick up an Angel Tree gift this year? You can donate to the fund directly in the app!"

Of course, these are just a few ideas. There are MANY ways you can use push notifications to help increase giving adoption and generosity. There are also many other ways you can use to help reach these goals.

We want to help you make generosity as easy as possible, so that's why we've created our Premium Rollout Guide, which walks you through the entire process of rolling out a new giving solution and increasing adoption among your congregation. It has everything from big ideas and strategy tips to detailed calendars and rollout plans that you can copy to automate the entire process (including many more push notification ideas)!

If you would like to get your hands on the Premium Rollout Guide or speak with someone on our team about tips for your specific congregation, [.blog-contact-cta]let’s chat![.blog-contact-cta]


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