If you’re a pastor looking for new ideas to spruce up your Resurrection sermon, you might think about using a humorous Easter sermon illustration this year! When it comes to the art of preaching, humor offers many benefits:
These are important benefits to consider as Easter attracts more visitors than other church services throughout the year. It’s true that using a funny sermon starter may not be every pastor’s ideal illustration for Easter, but when used correctly, humor helps your church pay attention, feel engaged, and better remember your message.
Let’s take a look at five lighthearted illustrations you can use to enhance your Easter sermon this year.
A man took a vacation to Israel with his wife and mother-in-law. During their time in the Holy Land, his mother-in-law unexpectedly passed away. The following day, the husband met with the local undertaker to discuss funeral plans.
“In cases like these, there are a couple of options to choose from,” the undertaker explained. “You can ship the body home for $5,000, or you can bury her in the Holy Land for just $150.” The man took a minute to think about it, and then announced his decision to ship her home.
The undertaker, intrigued by his decision, said, “That’s an interesting choice. Can I ask why would you pay $5,000 to ship your mother-in-law home, when you can easily bury her here for $150?” The man promptly replied, “About 2,000 years ago, a man died and was buried here. Three days later he rose from the dead, and I can’t take that chance!”
Easter illustration: This funny story shares the fact that many people are aware of the power of Jesus being raised from the dead. However, the reality is that Jesus’ resurrection is more than just a story—it was and still is the most important and significant event in human history. The best part is that we can know with confidence that as Christians we will be resurrected and spend eternity with Jesus.
Related Easter scriptures: 1 Corinthians 15:42–49; Matthew 22:30–32
Possible Easter sermon themes: Resurrection, triumph over the grave, new life, salvation
One Easter morning, a woman was on her way to church when her car broke down. Not wanting to be late for the special service, she ordered an Uber to pick her up. The car arrived, and she quickly jumped in the back.
Halfway through the ride, she asked the driver a question, but the driver didn’t respond. So she leaned forward and tapped the driver on the arm. The driver let out a loud scream, swerved into the other lane, almost hit another car, slammed on the brakes, and skidded over to the shoulder.
The woman and driver sat in silence for a minute from the shock of what just happened. Finally, she said apologetically, “Wow, I’m so sorry. I had no idea that tapping your shoulder would alarm you like that.”
“No, you really didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just that it’s my first day driving an Uber. You see, for the past 25 years, I’ve been driving a hearse.”
Easter illustration: It’s often scary or uncomfortable to discuss death, but as Christians, we have the hope and joy of knowing that Jesus has overcome death and conquered the grave. Because of his victory, we have nothing to fear!
Related Easter scriptures: Acts 2:14–40; 1 Corinthians 15:14–23
Possible Easter sermon themes: Resurrection, triumph over the grave, new life
For his church’s Easter program, five-year-old Billy was asked to recite Luke 24:6: “He is not here, he is risen.” Despite practicing it several times, when he stood in front of the church, he froze and couldn’t remember what to say.
The director leaned over and whispered the verse in the little boy’s ear. Billy smiled, grabbed the microphone, and confidently proclaimed, “He’s not here. He’s in prison!”
Easter illustration: Many people know the story of how Jesus has risen from the dead. However, some of them still have not experienced the real freedom that comes from accepting Jesus as their Lord and savior. When we do this, the chains of sin are broken and the prison doors that have held us captive are opened.
Related Easter scriptures: Luke 4:18–19; 1 Peter 2:9; Ephesians 5:8–14
Possible Easter sermon themes: Resurrection, salvation, new life
A little boy was attending an Easter service when he began to feel sick. He tapped his mother on the shoulder and said, “Mom, can we go home now?”
“No,” she replied abruptly.
The boy waited a minute, and tapped her on the shoulder again. “I think I’m going to throw up,” he whispered.
His mom looked at him and noticed he did look a bit pale. “Okay. Go out the front door of the church, across the parking lot, and throw up behind the bushes,” she instructed him.
Less than a minute later, the boy came back and sat down again in his seat. His mother whispered, “Did you throw up?” The boy nodded his head. “But how could you have gone all the way across the parking lot, thrown up, and walked back so quickly?” she asked.
“Ididn’t even have to leave the church,” the boy proudly replied. “I found a box at the front of the church doors that says ‘For the sick!’”
Easter illustration: The recent pandemic made us all keenly aware of the fragility of our lives and how sickness can steal away our joy, happiness, and even our loved ones. Yet, thanks to God’s redeeming work through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, we have the hope of one day being with him and our loved ones for eternity, never having to face pain, sickness, or death again.
Related Easter scriptures: Acts 3:11–16; Revelation 21:1–4; Luke 9:1–2
Possible Easter sermon themes: Made new, healing, joy of salvation, resurrection, new life
One Easter morning, a Sunday school teacher decided to see how much her class knew about the true meaning of Easter. One of the little girls quickly raised her hand. “Yes, Sarah?” the teacher called.
“Easter is when all of my aunts and uncles come to my house to eat turkey, watch football, and take naps,” she said.
“No, Sarah, that’s Thanksgiving.” Another student raised his hand. “Yes, Billy?” she asked.
“Last Easter, we decorated a tree, sang songs, and got lots of presents,” he answered.
“No, Billy, that was Christmas,” she replied. Now the teacher was getting a bit nervous. “Does anyone know what Easter is?”
“I know,” little Emily said, confidently standing to her feet. “Easter is a special day to remember that Jesus was hung on a cross, died, and put in a tomb for three days.”
“Very good, Emily!” the teacher said with a sigh of relief. “Now, class, we’re going to…”
“And on the third day, everyone gathers around the tomb,” Emily continued. “And they wait to see if Jesus comes out, and if he sees his shadow, that means six more weeks of winter. If not...”
The teacher interrupted Emily before she could finish her speech, “Class dismissed!”
Easter illustration: Many people think that being a Christian is nothing more than going to church and obeying a bunch of rules. In doing so, they miss out on the wonderful, life-transforming power of the gospel message. Easter is so much more than just another holiday like Thanksgiving or Groundhog Day. It’s a time when we pause to reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice, death on the cross, victory over sin and the grave, and his ultimate gift of salvation and eternal life with him!
Related Easter scriptures: Luke 24; Mark 16; Matthew 28:1–15
Possible Easter sermon themes: Grace, salvation, discipleship
It was the day before Easter, and the church was bustling with activity as families gathered for a children’s egg decorating contest. Among the participants was little Sarah, who had spent hours meticulously decorating her eggs with intricate designs and vibrant colors.
As the judging began, Sarah sat in the audience, trying not to squirm as she eagerly awaited the results. She had seen the competition and was confident that her eggs were sure to win. But to the young girl’s dismay, when the winners were announced, her name was not mentioned.
Confused and disappointed, Sarah approached the judges to inquire about her missing eggs. That’s when, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed something peculiar. Instead of the elaborate designs she had painstakingly created, Sarah’s eggs were simply painted and decorated.
As she looked closer, Sarah realized what had happened. In her excitement, she had accidentally placed her eggs in another contestant’s spot. What a mixup!. Instead of showcasing her own talents, Sarah had unwittingly been judged on someone else’s work.
Easter illustration: Just as Sarah’s eggs were mistakenly judged on someone else’s efforts, we often appraise our righteousness by comparing ourselves to others, or we try to earn God’s favor through our own works and accomplishments.
But Easter reminds us that salvation is not something we can earn—it’s a gift freely given through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Related Easter scriptures: Ephesians 2:8–9; Titus 3:5–7
Possible Easter sermon themes: Salvation by grace through faith, the gift of Jesus' resurrection, the danger of relying on our own works for salvation
It was beautiful Easter Sunday morning, and the church was gathered on a country hillside to celebrate the sunrise service. As the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, the congregation joined together in singing hymns of praise.
But as they sang, something unexpected happened. From the nearby farm, a rooster began to crow, its loud cries echoing across the hillside. At first, the congregation was taken aback by the interruption. But then, as they listened to the rooster’s unwavering song, they couldn't help but smile.
At that moment, they began to realize the significance of the rooster’s Easter morning crow. Just as the rooster heralded the dawn of a new day, so too did Jesus’ resurrection usher in a new era of hope and redemption for all humanity.
As the sun continued to rise, the congregation joined together in a chorus of praise, grateful for the reminder that Easter was about more than just beautiful sunrises and hymns of praise—it was a celebration of the new life and hope found in Jesus Christ.
Easter illustration: Just as the rooster’s crow heralded the dawn of a new day, Easter reminds us that Jesus' resurrection brings new life and hope to all who believe in Him.
Related Easter scriptures: Luke 24:1–6; John 20:1–18
Possible Easter sermon themes: The dawn of a new era in Christ, the hope of Easter morning, the significance of Jesus’ resurrection
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