3 Good Friday prayers to remember the cross

April 15, 2022

Good Friday is the acknowledgment and remembrance of the love and sacrifice of Jesus. It is a time to mourn his crucifixion but also celebrate its gracious impact: our salvation. Prayer is one of the best ways to give our thanks and reflect upon the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross.

Check out these three Good Friday prayers as you remember and appreciate the gift of redemption from sin.


The term “Mozarabic” refers to the time long ago when Christians in Spain lived under Muslim or Arab rule. This excerpt from an ancient sacramentary was used during services. Today, we still find truth and value in the retelling of the Good Friday message.

Today, O good Jesus,

you did not hide your face from shame and spitting for us.

Today, Jesus our Redeemer,

you were mocked,

struck by unbelievers,

and crowned with thorns for us.

Today, good Shepherd,

you laid down your life for the sheep on the cross,

and you were crucified with robbers,

and had your sacred hands nailed through.

Today you were laid in the guarded tomb,

and the saints burst open their tombs.

Today, good Jesus,

you put an end to our sins,

that on the day of your resurrection

we may joyfully receive your holy body,

and be refreshed with your sacred blood. Amen.

–Mozarabic Sacramentary, 7th Century


This prayer does a great job of illustrating Christ’s redemptive love for us and the power of the new creation in him.

Emerging from a cold tomb

All the truth, majesty and creativity of a living God

Transforming a broken heart

Making a quiet return, in a still and sorrowful garden

The grave stone rolled away, to release redemptive love

Jesus resurrected and restored

Comforts a weeping woman

Speaks with travelers on a journey

Meets with his faithful friends

And they bow down before Christ alive

And acknowledged that the savior has arrived

That the word of God has come alive

And that the extraordinary transformation of heaven and earth

Is complete.

–Julie Palmer


A litany is a powerful form of prayer that is most commonly recited in community and involves call and response. Typically, a pastor reads the main text with the congregation reading that in bold.  

This is a common litany used during the Easter season as an act of remembering Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.

Let us remember Jesus: who, though rich, became poor and dwelt among us, who was mighty indeed, healing the sick and the troubled, who, as a teacher to his disciples, was their companion and servant.

May we ever be grateful for Jesus the Christ and what he has done for us.

Let us remember Jesus who prayed for the forgiveness of those who rejected him and for the perfecting of those who received him, who loved all people, and prayed for them, even if they denied and rejected him; who hated sin because he knew the cost of pride and selfishness, of cruelty and hatred, both to people and to God.

May we ever be grateful for Jesus the Christ and what he has done for us.

Let us remember Jesus, who humbled himself, obedient unto the cross. God has exalted him who has redeemed us from the bondage of sin and given us new freedom.

May we ever be grateful for Jesus the Christ and what he has done for us and continues to do for us.

(silence of remembrance)

We hope these prayers help make your Good Friday devotions as engaging and impactful as possible. We’re honored to serve over 16,000 churches and organizations with the best digital engagement tools to share the gospel and hope of Jesus with tens of millions of people around the world.

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