Mobile Tech Roundup

October 9, 2015

Keeping up with news about the shifting trends in mobile technology is no easy task. With tech events, product releases, and public opinion about mobile and it’s impact on society constantly changing, it can be overwhelming to try and keep up with the thought leadership in this industry.

To help keep you in the loop about the changing world of mobile technology, and especially mobile apps, we want to bring you into the conversation about mobile by sharing some stories. We’ve gathered some great content about mobile technology and its impact on our daily lives.

Mobile Tech History, and Questions about its Future

The shift from desktop to mobile has been revolutionary. The mobile era has saved some companies, upended others, and ushered in a whole new way of engaging technology.

What’s next for mobile? This Time article asserts some interesting predictions about what we might see in the coming years.

The Apple Watch Points to the Future of the Mobile Phone



Wearable technology, and specifically the Apple Watch, has disrupted mobile trends yet again. But, how much will these new devices impact our preferences and how we communicate?

Mobile-Friendly Devices - A Simple Guide for Small Businesses

Having a mobile-friendly website is becoming one of the greatest differentiators for companies who hope to reach their audiences on-the-go. But if you don’t have a big budget or the manpower for it, making the transition to a mobile-optimized site can be daunting.

Here’s a helpful guide that explains the benefits of a mobile-friendly site, and a case for why you should make it a priority for your business.

5 Ways Travel Has Changed (for the Better) through Mobile Technology



Using your mobile device for seamless travel is an advantage that is becoming incredibly common. Check out these great tools for travel that will make your next trip a cinch.

4 Unique Mobile Apps that will Increase your Productivity

The title speaks for itself. Who doesn't want to be more productive? These lesser-known apps might be the key to helping you strike a better work-life balance.



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