As it relates to God in the contemporary church, there seems to be a prevailing issue that we have. We seek Him and pray to Him for things that are not beneficial to God and His Kingdom, but to us. Our hearts and minds are not set on the things for the Kingdom, but for the the materialism that this world has to offer. The prevailing issue is when God tells us "NO!!!" The question has always been and remains today in the church is how do we RESPOND when God says "NO". God’s sovereign will always be executed and His answer will never change. God told David that the child he and Bathseeba bore will die. David sought for seven dasys asking God to save the child. God’s answer was still "NO"! David’s response was WORSHIP!!! Will the church respond with worship when God says "NO"?
When God Says No
July 23, 2017 • Pastor Hassan Rasheed • 2 Samuel 12:15–23