1. God will condemn the ungodly because of their decisions. (v. 11)
The way of Cain: Lack of Faith;
The error of Balaam: Covetousness;
The rebellion of Korah: Rebelling against authority
2. God will condemn the ungodly because of their dishonesty. (vv. 12-13)
*They are destructive (v. 12a)
*They are selfish (v. 12b)
*They will disappoint (v. 12c)
*They are fruitless (v. 12d)
*They will stir up moral filth (v. 13a)
*They will vanish (v. 13b)
3. God will condemn the ungodly because it is their fate. (vv. 14-15)
*Condemnation is coming (v. 14)
*Condemnation is just (v. 15)
4. God will condemn the ungodly because of their actions. (v. 16)