
"HE is" Devotionals

Devotionals by Bethel Pastors & Staff

Isaiah 40 - Julie Gundersen

August 27, 2020

Julie Gundersen, Bethel's Parish Nurse, shares Isaiah 40:26 with us today, reminding us how precious each of us are in God's sight. God not only created each star, but has also given them names. How much more valuable are you in his sight than the stars? He created you and sent Jesus to die for you!

Romans 10:15 - Pastor Ed Monson

August 25, 2020

Pastor Ed just recently had surgery on one of his eyes. During the healing process, he had to keep his head down and had a lot of time to stare at his feet. Romans 10:15 reminds us that our feet are important to God’s Mission to share the Gospel with the world! Have you thought about your feet? How will God use you to tell someone about Jesus?

Joshua 6 - Kate Haus

August 20, 2020

Kate Haus shares from Joshua 6 and Proverbs 16, recognizing that we live in a tension between hustling to do the work that God has called us to do, while resting and trusting that God will complete his work that he's promised to do. Let's embrace that tension during this time of uncertainty!

Ecclesiastes 3 - Pastor Rich Iverson

August 19, 2020

Pastor Rich shares from Ecclesiastes 3, encouraging us to take God's timing seriously. During this uncertain and chaotic time that we're in, it's difficult to know what to do and when to do it. Thankfully, we can ask God for help and he gives wisdom to those who ask for it.

2 Timothy 1:7 - Jenny Mathiesen

Jenny, Director of Children's Ministries, shares from 2 Timothy 1:7. During this time of anxiety, uncertainty and isolation, it's good to be reminded that God gives us a a spirit of power, love, and self-control. Praise God that we don't have to live in fear!

Luke 15 - Erika Lundberg

August 11, 2020

Erika shares from Luke 15, reminding us of God's unconditional, eternal love. Verse 20 reads, “http://...his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” May we rejoice and rest in this good news of the Gospel!

1 Corinthians 15 - Pastor Kevin Foss

August 7, 2020

Pastor Kevin shares about God's Grace from 1 Corinthians 15. We're all trophies of God's grace! Each of us can look back on our own lives and see God's grace at work, and may we all recognize that our strength is not enough, and see our need for God's grace each and every day.

Psalm 62 & 63 - Brittany Christenson

Brittany, our Battle Lake Children's Ministries and Administrative Assistant, shares from Psalm 62 and 63. These verses remind us that we can seek God and not this world to fill our void and meet our needs, and look to Him for His love that we need each day.

Psalm 147 (and others) - Pastor Dave Foss

July 30, 2020

Pastor Dave wrestles with Governor Newsom (California) telling churches that they may not chant and may not sing during worship. So, what do we do with this news? First of all, pray for the Church in California. How would you respond? While we are subject to governing authorities, we are ultimately under God's authority through his Word. Psalm 147 says, "Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!" Want to RECEIVE THESE DEVOTIONALS BY EMAIL? Go to: http://eepurl.com/gws-8z Share prayer requests: https://bethellutheran.church/prayer-request

Psalm 103 - Dr. Brad Pribbenow

July 28, 2020

Professor Brad Pribbenow, Worship Pastor at Bethel Battle Lake, shares some thoughts from Psalm 103. God heals, forgives, redeems, and crowns us with love and mercy so that our “youth can be renewed like the eagles.” An eagle renews its feathers each year. We are renewed DAILY because of God's love for us through Jesus. Praise God!

Luke 24 - Tim Mathiesen

July 23, 2020

Tim Mathiesen, Director of Communication & Connection, shares Jesus' words from the end of the Gospel of Luke (Ch. 24). These words include the Gospel message, the Great Commission, and God's promise of his power through the Holy Spirit. How can we be God's Church, bringing this message to our neighbors in such chaotic and uncertain times? God will give us the words, the love, and the boldness to proclaim this Good News!

1 Peter 1 - Pastor Al Aase

July 21, 2020

Pastor Al, Director of Youth and College Ministries, shares from 1 Peter 1, highlighting the good news and hope that we have in Jesus. "In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."

Psalm 119 - Julie Gundersen

July 16, 2020

Julie Gundersen, Bethel's Parish Nurse, shares Psalm 119:105, reminding us of God's light shown through Scripture, His Word. During these unstable and dark times, we need God's Word to guide our steps. Don't give up on reading God's Word!

Ephesians 1 - Pastor Rich Iverson

July 14, 2020

Pastor Rich shares from Ephesians 1, reminding us that our head and heart are meant to be connected. The knowledge in our head isn't enough to really know God. Knowing God and having a relationship with Jesus comes through the Holy Spirit's work in our heart to help us understand with both our head and our heart.

Genesis 1 - Pastor Ed Monson

July 9, 2020

Pastor Ed reads from Genesis chapter 1, reminding us how God created beauty out of nothing! Since this is true, we know that we can trust that God will bring order out of the chaos in our own lives, too.