in this sermon, Pastor Micheal gets after the question "Is it okay that God is all about His own glory?"
Former Bethel Pastor Steve Anderson walks us through Exodus 15, and his own journey of thankfulness to God through the storms of life.
Pastor John walks us through the crossing of the Red Sea and God's greatness!
Pastor Micheal walks us through plagues 4-10 and more into God's righteous judgment
This Sunday Pastor Micheal walks us through the first 3 plagues and specifically how it applies to us today!
John Dickerman brings a pointed word on disciple-making and how the Bible truly calls us to live in light of what Jesus has done for us!
In the message, Pastor Micheal shows us based on Moses' life how to get out of a spiritual rut
This Sunday we dove into Exodus 2 and Pastor Micheal explained the historical context along with challenging personal application!
Pastor Micheal intros the book of Exodus and dives into chapter 1 & how it matters for us today!