
Randy Oakley on his Pacific Coast Bicycle Adventure

December 21, 2022

Randy Oakley brought us along on his invigorating solo Pacific Coast bicycle trip in the summer 2017 from the Peace Arch on the Canadian border almost all the way to Cabo San Lucas. It was a great story, so if you did not join us be sure to play the recording and hear his about his journey! 

Size Matters

February 14, 2024

A trip into China which you have not seen unless you traveled there recently or lived there. A China beyond the headlines. The concept of SIZE is key to understanding China and its one-party system that bears little resemblance to what we think of as Communism. I will explore the history, culture, and politics of China in the post 1949 era when the modern one-party state came into being. Welcome aboard. Like China's transportation system, it is high-speed travel.

Paolina Libes: ""The wound is the opening that lets the light in."

January 17, 2024

Paula will tell us about her lifelong struggle with bi-polar disorder, the curse which contains within it the blessing. Paula’s strong connection to the Divine gave her the strength and support to avoid the fear and paranoia which typically accompany bi-polar, formerly referred to as “manic depression.”  Sharing the struggle with Bet Alef, “coming out” as a person with this much-stigmatized mental challenge, is one more step in Paula’s amazing journey. 

Jason Wodicka: "The wall in my mind: why it took decades to figure out my own gender."