
Jesus' Authority Over Sickness & Death (Part b)

Mark 5:21-43

March 5, 2017 • Roger Skepple

Message Notes:

The Gospel According to Mark

The Servant’s Attends His People: Galilee and Beyond (1:14-8:26) (Part 29)

Jesus’ Ministry Opposed (2:14-5:43)

Part 20: The Confirmation of the King and the Kingdom (3:7-5:43) (P)

The Authority of the Messiah (4:35-5:43)

Part 5: Jesus’ Authority over Sickness and Death (5:21-43) (Part b)

c. The Indication to the Kings Authentic Followers (4:35-5:43)

1) Jesus’ Authority over Nature (4:35-41)

2) Jesus’ Authority over the Supernatural (5:1-20)

3) Jesus’ Authority over Sickness and Death (5:21-43)

a) The Setting: Christ Returns to Galilee (5:21-24)

b) The Victory of Christ over Sickness (5:25-34)

c) The Victory of Christ over Death (5:35-43)

(1) Jairus’ Despair and Jesus’ Response (5:35-37)

(a) The Disheartening News from Jairus’ Home (5:35)

(b) The Call for and Response to Faith by Jesus (5:36-37)

(2) Jesus’ Contradiction of the Facts (5:38-40)

(a) The Despair of the Mourners (5:38)

(b) The Declaration of Hope (5:39)

(i) Its Parity with Scriptural Revelation

(ii) Its Centrality to Jesus’ Person

(c) The Response of Doubt (5:40a)

(3) Jesus’ Raising of the Dead (5:40b-43)

(a) The Compassion of Christ (5:40b-41)

(b) The Power of Christ (5:42, 43b)

(c) The Caution of Christ (5:43a)