
Vision in Parenting

Hebrews 12:11

June 16, 2019 • Roger Skepple

The Critical Role of the Christian Father (Part 5)

Father’s Day Message 2019

Hebrews 12:11

Vision in Parenting

The Background of the Book of Hebrews

The Content of the Book of Hebrews

The Context of Hebrews 12:11

A Father’s Vision (12:11)

I. The Challenge of Discipline (12:11a)

A. The Timing of the Challenge (12:11a1-5)

● moment being present, being at hand

B. The Character of the Challenge (12:11a6-12)

● sorrowful physical or psychological pain

● seems a subjective judgment

II. The Nature of Discipline (12:11b)

● trained to exercise or train as an athlete

III. The Outcome of Discipline (12:11c)

● afterward behind or later

● yield fulfill an obligation, give back, sell, or repay; produce or yield

● peace (of God) – resting in the Lord

● righteousness that which corresponds to God’s will