
Messianic Operatives

Mark 6:7-13

April 23, 2017 • Roger Skepple

Message Notes:

The Gospel According to Mark

The Servant’s Attends His People: Galilee and Beyond (1:14-8:26) (Part 34)

Jesus’ Ministry Transitioning (6:1-8:26) (Part 5)

Commission of the Disciples by Jesus (6:7-13) (Part d)

Messianic Operatives (6:7-13) (Part d)

Parenthesis: Biblical Hospitality

1. Its Old Testament Foundations

a. Its Beginnings in the Patriarchs

b. Its Secular Manifestations

c. Its Mosaic Regulation

d. Its Extension to Those in Ministry

e. Its Reflection in the Prophets

2. Its New Testament Expressions

a. Its Experience by Jesus

b. Its Regulation in the Teaching of Jesus

c. Its Expression within the Early Church

d. Its Command in the Epistles

1) Christian hospitality is as much caught as it is taught!

2) Christian hospitality is the manifestation that one is a true, authentic

Christian worshiper!

3) Christian hospitality can potentially play a major role in the plan of

4) Christian hospitality must be expressed with the companion attitude of contentment!

5) Christian hospitality must not be taken advantage of by others in the body!

3. The Illustration found in 3 John

a. The Context of 3 John

b. Hospitality in 3 John

C. Jesus’ Ministry Transitioning (6:1-8:26)

1. Rejection of Jesus by His Own (6:1-6)

2. Commission of Disciples by Jesus (6:7-13)

a. The Disciples are Commissioned (6:7)

b. The Disciples are Commanded (6:8-11)

1) Regarding Their Personal Provision (6:8-9)

2) Regarding Their Actual Reception (6:10-11)

a) Their Response to Acceptance (6:10) (cont’d)

b) Their Response to Rejection (6:11)

c. The Disciples are Commemorated (6:12-13)


1) For Their Preaching (6:12)

2) For Their Powers (6:13)