
He is an Advocate for Wisdom

Proverbs 4:3-9

June 21, 2020 • Roger Skepple

Aspects of a Wise Father: Proverbs and Fatherhood

Part 1: He is an Advocate for Wisdom

The Place of the Father in the Family

The Devolution of the Family and Its Impact on Fatherhood

I. The Time of a Father’s Work (4:3)

II. The Content of a Father’s Work (4:4-9)

A. The Call to Acquire Wisdom (4:4-5, 7)

B. The Benefits of Acquiring Wisdom (4:6, 8-9)

1. It Protects Its Possessor (4:6)

2. It Honors Its Possessor (4:8)

3. It Beautifies Its Possessor (4:9)