
Divine Distinctions

Leviticus 19:19-31

August 2, 2020 • Roger Skepple

In the World, Not of the World (Part 1)

Leviticus 19:19-31

I. Prologue: God Calls Israel to Fidelity to Him (19:1-2)

II. Expressed through Faithfulness to the Divine Covenant (19:3-10)

A. The Covenant (19:3-4)

B. The Sacrifices (19:5-8)

C. The Poor (19:9-10)

III. Expressed through Loyalty to the Divine Community (19:11-18)

A. Deal Honestly (19:11-12)

B. Repudiate Exploitation (19:13-14)

C. Seek Justice (19:15-16)

D. Exemplify Love (19:17-18)

The Theological Framework – The Called

Called From Called To

borne on eagles’ wings out of Egypt brought to Myself

the peoples my own possession among

all the earth is Mine to Me a kingdom of priests and holy nation

The Biblical Framework – Holiness: Status Vs. Condition

● Gifts to God

● A Means of Communion with God

● To Execute Consecration and Purification

Status: Common/Profane ≠ Holy

Condition: Unclean ≠ Clean

Status: Common/Profane ➔ Holy

Condition: Unclean ➔ Clean

Status: Common/Profane ➔ Atonement ➔ Holy

Condition: Unclean ➔ Atonement ➔ Clean

The Theological and Biblical Implications

IV. Expressed through Adhering to the Divine Distinctions (19:19-31)

A. Respect God’s Distinctions (19:19)

1. The Meaning of the Distinctions

2. The Distinctions

3. The Implications of the Distinctions