A Real Covenant Keeper
Leviticus 19:3-10
The Importance of Covenant in the Bible
I. Prologue: God Calls Israel to Fidelity to Him (19:1-2)
II. Expressed through Faithfulness to the Divine Covenant (19:3-10)
A. The Covenant (19:3-4)
1. Parental Honor (19:3a)
2. Sabbath Dedication (19:3b)
3. God’s Exclusivity (19:4)
B. The Sacrifices (19:5-8)
1. The Significance of the Peace Offering
2. The Sacrifice of the Peace Offering (19:5)
3. The Stipulations of the Peace Offering (19:6-8)
C. The Poor (19:9-10)
1. The Meaning of the Command: The Practice of Gleaning (19:9-10b)
2. The Concern of the Command: The Nature of the Poor (19:10c-d)