
Genesis 1:5 (1/7/21)

Our Role as Light

January 7, 2021 • Benham Brothers

* Night is always darkest just before the dawn.
* Right from the outside of creation, before sin entered the world, “there was evening, and there was morning.”
* Vs 8, 13, 19, 23, 31 - it’s a pattern after all six days of creation.
* In the first four days God created it, named it, approved of it.
* In days 5 & 6 He created it, blessed it (the ability to reproduce), approved it.
* Animals could take part in the creation process, but they couldn’t name each other.
* Man could take part in the creation process, but they could name everything.
* This signified authority.
* Here’s the key - on each day darkness covered what God had just created.
* Satan was the source of the darkness.
* He wanted to hide God’s creativity.
* EX: I buy my wife a nice gift for our anniversary and then turn the lights off so she can’t see it.
* But God lit up what Satan covered up!
* This sets the context for the battle that ensues in the entire Bible.
* Satan hides it…God exposes it.
* On this foundation, God tells us to “be the light of the world!”
* We are darkness overcomes by nature.
* We were meant to be this way from the beginning.