
2 Chronicles 16:7-10 (6/28/18)

Responding to Rebuke

June 28, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* Asa followed the Lord and was blessed.
* With blessing comes options.
* When an enemy came Asa relied on his own riches to get him out of it.
* And it worked. But it grieved God.
* It takes faith to trust God to bring the money when you don’t have it. But it takes just as much faith to trust God by not using the money when you do have it.
* vs 7-8 - Asa “forgot” his history.
* vs 9 - God is looking to help those who’s hearts are loyal to Him.
* The enemy could have been a test from God.
* How did Asa respond to the rebuke?
* vs 10 - He got ticked when he should have repented.
* Asa took his focus off God and put it on the stuff God had blessed him with.
* If you love God for what He gives you you’ll hate Him for what He takes from you.
* Asa became prideful and his spirit manifested itself when he was rebuked.
* Matthew Henry - “Those that idolize their own conduct cannot bear contradiction.”
* You can tell a lot about a person by how they handle rebuke.

2 Chronicles 1:6-7 (6/28/18)

June 28, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* Solomon offered 1,000 burnt offerings on the altar when he was inaugurated as king. * There was no command to do this and was WAY more than customary. * This is like giving hundreds of thousands of dollars away. * He spared no expense for God. * How did God respond? * He decided to give Solomon something in return - a chance to ask for “anything” he wanted. * Solomon gave to God what was already God’s (the animals) and so God gave Solomon something he didn’t have - wisdom. * Key - give God what you have and then you can expect him to give back to you a hundredfold return. * Solomon’s wisdom was far more valuable than 1,000 animals.

2 Chronicles 3:1 (6.25/15)

June 25, 2015 • Benham Brothers

God gave David the pattern of the temple but didn't let him execute the building of it. David then gave it to Solomon his son who executed it with precision. This is the pattern of Fatherhood for us to follow today: 1) God gives dad a pattern for His kingdom. 2) Dad models this and builds to the best of his ability, recognizing his work will not be completed before he dies. 3) Dad passes down this pattern to his son. 4) Son executes the plan exactly as dad passed down, which dad got directly from God. 5) Son then becomes a dad and does the same thing.

2 Chronicles 3:15-17 (6/25/20)

June 25, 2020 • Benham Brothers