
Deuteronomy 5:29 (3/16/17)

Changing God's Plan

March 16, 2017 • Benham Brothers

* Jeremiah 29:11 reveals God’s plan for us - to bless us, not to curse us.
* But if we want to experience this plan we have a part to play.
* Numbers 33:55-56 - If God’s people disobeyed, listen to what He said: “And I will do to you what I had planned to do to your (enemies).”
* Key - We can change God’s plan if we refuse to adhere to God’s principles.
* Notice the very next thing Moses addresses in Numbers 34:1-2 - BOUNDARIES!
* Deuteronomy 5:29 - God had just given the 10 Commandments, and then said this.
* If we want God’s blessings we must stay inside His boundaries, living by His principles.
* It’s our choice - how God treats us is up to us.
* Psalms 34:15-16 - It’s Our Choice.
* I’ve told my kids I am not here to be their friend - I’m here to be their dad.
* If they can honor me as dad then we’ll be best friends, but if they don’t then I’ll be the worst enemy they’ve ever had.
* I want to be friends with all my kids, but it’s their choice.
* If they honor me by obeying my rules, then we’ll be friends and they’ll be in my favor.
* If they don’t then we won’t be friends and they won’t have my favor.
* They’ll have my love, but not my favor.
* My love is unconditional, but my favor is conditioned on their obedience.