
Living Among Lions (1/7/21)

How to thrive like Daniel in today's Babylon

January 7, 2021 • Benham Brothers

* Daniel and his three bodies were the chocolate chips in the cookie dough of culture.
* They mixed in, they didn’t blend in.
* They kept their distinct form even when put in an oven.
* How?
* 1) They had conviction that transformed their hearts.
* 2) They made commitments that transformed their lifestyle.
* 3) They had courage that transformed their world.
* Five ways to thrive in today’s Babylon:
* 1) Make up your mind.
* 2) Let it be known.
* 3) Be a blessing (seek the welfare).
* 4) Don’t be bought (keep your gifts).
* 5) Don’t change who you are (keep your windows open).