
Deuteronomy 1:28-31 (3/15/18)

Play To Your Strengths

March 15, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* A popular business motto is to “play to your strengths.”
* There is a lot of truth in this - doing what we’re designed to do.
* But you don’t need God when you play only to your strengths.
* The Israelites properly recognized the Amorites were stronger than they were.
* But allowing their strengths to guide them caused them to miss what God had in store.
* The Bible teaches “when I am weak then I am strong.”
* Here’s the deal - God often asks us to do things we’re NOT good at to prove His power through us.
* In this way He can test our loyalty AND He can get the glory when we obey.
* In business I had to do a lot of things I wasn’t good at, but when I did them with a heart to please God I found myself getting really good at those things.
* Fortunately I didn’t have to work in those areas forever, but the principle remains true.
* Don’t focus on playing to your strengths, focus on obeying the voice of God.
* Then trust Him to be strong through you.