
Genesis 1:2 (1/4/18)


January 4, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* Whatever God forms He fills.
* He has an end goal, but He brings it about through a process.
* He could have done it all in one day, but He took 6.
* God is glorified as much in the process as He is in the end result.
* Days 1-3 He formed. Days 4-6 He filled.
* It works this way physically - my 15 year old is getting “filled out.”
* It works this way in marriage and salvation - it takes time to fill out your new identity.
* vs 11-12 - the first mention of “seed” in the Bible.
* It referenced the potential for life (specifically for vegetation).
* God created the potential for life if mixed with other things - air, water, light, etc.
* God put the potential for life inside of what He created so that we could be a part of the creation “process.”
* Not only were we made in His image but now we can operate in it as well.