
2 Corinthians 4:1-18 (9/7/17)

Good Preaching

September 7, 2017 • Benham Brothers

* This chapter gives a forensic on what a good pastor should be like:
* vs 1 - perseveres, which means he doesn’t stop when things get tough.
* vs 2 - speaks truth, knowing he’ll give an account to God.
* vs 3-4 - knows those who reject truth are rejecting God, but he doesn’t change his message to suit their desires.
* vs 5 - preaches the gospel, not self-help sermons.
* vs 6 - knows God is preaching through them, and they can’t help but to preach.
* vs 7 - they focus on God and not their own eloquence.
* vs 8-12 - they’re willing to suffer for standing and speaking what is right.
* vs 13-15 - they have a father’s heart - everything is done for his kids without taking his own comfort in mind.
* vs 16-18 - they have an eternal perspective - they don’t preach “your best life now” - they preach “your best life later.”