
Fair Market Value

What true FMV is and how to bring it back

January 15, 2015 • Benham Brothers

Definition of fair market value - "the price a buyer is willing to pay and a seller is willing to sell with a clear conscience before God."
Today we have taken out the reference to God, thus absolutizing the market itself.
The market has become the absolute standard - it governs itself.
When this happens it will naturally gravitate towards greed. Why?
Because man is naturally sinful and apart from God he's naturally greedy.
Case in point - Jacob was the buyer, Esau was the seller.
Esau had something of extreme value he didn't want to sell.
Jacob wanted what Esau had.
Esau wanted what Jacob had (food).
We have a market!
The buyer, Jacob, sees the seller in a desperate situation and takes full advantage of the situation.
Jacob gets the bargain of a lifetime and Esau lost something of extreme value.
There's way more to this story than we can go into (Esau despised his birthright).
The question is - Would Jacob have taken advantage of Esau if he had an eye toward God as the judge of His actions in this exchange?
Jacob loved God and desired a good thing by wanting God's blessing, but He should have let God bring it to him and not grabbed it for himself.
In a market apart from God the ends will always justify the means.
When greed takes place in the market people cry for order and they begin to critcize the market that nurtured the greed.
It's not the market's fault - it's the fact we took out the absolute standard by which we can govern the market.
The order people will cry for, when they have rejected God, is man (government)!
We see this in America today - a beautiful capitalist system with crazy government oversight because we have rejected the God Who should be governing the market itself.