
1 Chronicles 15:22 (6/21/18)


June 21, 2018 • Benham Brothers

ronicles 15:22 - Excellence
* Chenaniah was leader of music “because he was skillful.”
* He was excellent at his job.
* Because of this he was chosen to be the leader.
* Leadership starts by being excellent at whatever we do.
* We work excellently when we work “as if” God Himself gave us the job.
* Imagine how distracting it is in the middle of a worship service for the piano player to be off key.
* Chenaniah wasn’t just gifted, he was anointed.
* He was a LEVITE! The Levites were called to lead in music.
* Today we hire gifted people for worship services but not anointed - there are many churches who don’t even require their people to be saved.
* But excellence is the key here - operate in excellence and it will prepare you for leadership.