
Using Your Wealth to Build Health

April 30, 2020 • Benham Brothers

How you handle your money shows God if you can be trusted with spiritual riches.
• Vs 11 - it’s a sign.
• Jesus used this parable to show us how to use wealth for kingdom purposes.
• Vs 1-9 - Rich boss fires unfaithful employee.
• Before he got fired he cut deals with each of the boss’ debtors.
• This secured his future.
• The rich man applauded his ingenuity, but didn’t give his job back.
• Making moves today so you will be secure for tomorrow is a good thing!
• Jesus used this parable to show the value of making moves today to secure our future in heaven.
• Look at the results of the manager’s move:
• The debtors got a good deal.
• The rich man got paid.
• He secured his future.
• Skip Moen said Christ’s reference was about “brilliance manifested.”
• We don’t need to be brilliant only with worldly wealth.
• We need to use our brilliance for the kingdom to:
• Bless others (like the debtors).
• Bless God (like the rich man).
• Secure our future.
• QUESTION - In what way can you utilize the same brilliance that made you money to build God’s kingdom?
• Vs 9 - Two ways you can use money to make friends:
• 1) Give it - be generous.
• 2) Invest it - not just in stockis, etc, but to start a biz, create opportunities for others to work.