
Trifecta of Wealth

Three keys to generating profit

August 27, 2020 • Benham Brothers

Paul taught how the gospel was a message of freedom.
• But we didn’t need to use our freedom for ourselves.
• We need to think of our responsibility to others more than our rights for ourself.
• On this foundation he “became all things to all people SO AS TO WIN THEM TO CHRIST.”
• He was successful at what he did. How?
• Vs 24-25 - by seeing his Christian walk like an athlete sees a race.
• He trained himself like he’s going to win a prize.
• Three keys to training yourself to be successful (to be wealthy in every area of life):
• 1) Discipline - doing what you don’t want to do in order to accomplish what you want to achieve.
• 2) Diligence - the consistent movement in a positive direction regardless of the results.
• 3) Determination - the desire to see things to the end; an ability and willingness to latch on and not let go.
• Vs 26-27 - a boxer beats his own body first, so that he can beat somebody next.
• He applies the Trifecta of Wealth to himself so he can win!
• *** The worst thing for an athlete would be to finish a race and be disqualified because he didn’t do it right.
• EX: Ben Johnson in the ’88 Olympics.
• EX: Justin Reeder - he’s fighting for LIFE to “win it,” but he had to apply the trifecta of wealth the decade preceding.