

Which Old Testament laws should we still follow?

March 26, 2015 • Benham Brothers

How do we know which Old Testament laws are still in effect today?
I asked a theologian to help me on this one and it was really insightful:
1) Did the OT law pertain to people universally or only to the Jews?
God had certain laws that were for the Jews only - like what they could eat and wear - they were "customary" laws.
He did this so that they would be "set apart."
God wanted the Jews to be a "pattern" for the world to follow and not a "pet" for Him to stroke.
As such God had to give them different commands from the surrounding nations.
This would distinguish them from the others.
God also had "moral laws" that applied to everyone, Jew and Gentile.
2) Is the law re-stated in the New Testament?
Paul specifically told us that the dietary laws and sacrificial system were no longer in effect.
But he as well as the other NT writers re-stated that the moral laws were still in effect for all people.