
Hero Worship

When leaders become gods

February 9, 2017 • Benham Brothers

* The people revolted when Moses left - this proves they held him in too high esteem.
* They wanted someone / something to look at, so they made a golden calf.
* God knew this was in their hearts so He removed their leader.
* Moses had become their hero and their enemy.
* When things were good he was the hero. When bad their enemy.
* When you’re worshipping a person and that person fails to live up to your expectations you will find someone or something to replace them with.
* Churches today have a tendency to elevate their leaders to be heroes.
* vs 6 - Their hero manifested itself in their desire to party.
* Two observations:
* 1) In their minds the golden calf represented God.
* This was breaking the second commandment to have no graven image.
* 2) In the same place the law was given it was transgressed.
* This showed the imperfection of the law.
* This is why Jesus HAD to come to earth and leave us the Holy Spirit.