
Generous Mindset

How to make sure you're always living generously

March 23, 2017 • Benham Brothers

* The generous mindset is always focused on others, not itself.
* It says, “Does this person need this money more than I do?”
* A generous mindset is always win-win.
* A poverty mentality is always focused on itself.
* It says, “How can I get the best deal, even if it costs the other person.”
* A poverty mindset is always win-lose.
* Example - you hire a contractor who needs the work, but you talk him down on all his prices to a point where he’s working for a small hourly wage.
* This is having a poverty mindset.
* It’s always trying to take everything it can get without the thought of how it affects others.
* If you pay him for what he’s worth, even giving a little bit more, you have a generous mindset.
* You can tell a person like this by how they stack their plate up at potluck. HA HA!
* They typically want to go first and they hit it hard.
* Example - the pizza guy delivers a pizza and you leave him a $20 tip because you think, “This $20 means more to him than it does to me.”
* That’s the generous mindset.
* God wants us to live generously.