
2 Corinthians 3:1-2 (9/5/19)

Social Media Life

September 5, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* In this culture some of the Judaizers (preachers of the Jewish way) carried around letters of recommendation from the “important people” in the Jerusalem church, and this is what qualified and verified them to speak to others.
* Paul challenged this.
* He didn’t need others to qualify him.
* He was qualified by the people he served - “they” were proof that he was legit.
* In our social media culture what qualifies the person nowadays is the number of followers, views, and likes you get.
* All of these things give a person a platform, and those with the biggest platforms are the ones with the most influence.
* Problem - social media grows through strategy, not the Spirit.
* True success should be measured by the number of people who are being set free.
* Like Paul when he was in prison - everyone’s chains fell off.
* EX: Tori and I are writing a book, and the other day we stopped and went for a walk.
* We joked about how we’d rather have a great marriage than write about one.
* This is what Paul is getting at - your ministry is not validated by your following but your faithfulness.