
Deuteronomy 1:20-23 (3/16/17)


March 16, 2017 • Benham Brothers

* When the focus is not on God strategy takes the lead from the spirit.
* The Israelites should have taken the land, not send out spies.
* God probably knew they would be intimidated if they dipped their toe in the water - He wanted them to trust Him fully and just jump in.
* Here’s the interesting part - God gave them a strategy on how to do it.
* This is just like He gave Balaam permission to go with Balak.
* Just because God may have given you a good idea does not mean you’re going the direction He wants you to go.
* Often times He let’s you have what you want to get you where you need to be - broken and repentant.
* Here’s the key - when people stop focusing on God then curiosity and cowardice replaces commitment and courage.