
2 Corinthians 4:1-2 (9/10/15)

Light Hater

September 10, 2015 • Benham Brothers

The Greek word for "deceitfully" is "doloo" - to "adulterate for the sake of personal gain."
The church should not be cunning (deceitful) in the way it attracts people.
We have the wrong idea of fishing today.
We think you're supposed to put "bait" on a hook to lure people in.
There are a couple problems with this approach to fishing for men:
1) People realize they bit a fake.
2) You get the wrong people in your boat.
We're supposed to fish with a light and net.
The light attracts and the net of love draws them in.
If you attract people with lures rather than light then you end up with light-haters in your boat.
Verse 5-7 - Paul wasn't trying to attract people to himself, he was simply shining the light that was within him.