
Exodus 15:20-21 (1/28/16)

Leading from the Heart

January 28, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• Up to this point we never see Miriam leading anything.
• Then she was leading all the women, praising God for His mighty act of deliverance.
• Think about Miriam's life - she was the sister of Moses who knew something was special about her brother.
• For 80 years she had been watching what God was doing and seeing her brother as the central figure in their deliverance.
• She was 87 when she led these women - because of what she had experienced she was now leading from the INSIDE-OUT!
• The essence of true leadership comes from within - it's simply the outpouring of who you are.
• Miriam never lost sight of God all those years, and when her faith intersected with God's faithfulness she burst into leadership!
• When you lead from the heart like Miriam there's no such thing as burnout because you've experienced it for yourself.

Exodus (1/24/19)

January 24, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* The test of maturity is what a person does with his free time. * A wise person uses freedom as a tool to build with but a foolish person uses freedom as a toy to play with. * Exodus teaches us three things: * 1) What freedom is * 2) How much freedom costs * 3) How to use freedom

Ex 1:8-14 (1/31/14)

January 31, 2014 • Benham Brothers

The very place that represented comfort for the Israelites grew into a place representing a curse. God allowed them to be subject to forced labor so they would long for a country of their own. Push / Pull - when God is moving you to a new place there will usually be a push and a pull - a push from where you are and a pull to where you should be. When God chooses to squeeze you don't question the fingers He chooses to do it with. God uses the weaknesses of others to get us to where we need to be.

Exodus 1:22 - 2:10 (1/22/17)

January 22, 2017 • Benham Brothers

• VS 1:22 - When Satan plans for destruction God plans for deliverance - this is what set the stage for Moses to enter the scene. • Note: the very first plague 80 years later was the Nile turning to blood and the last plague was the Egyptian first-borns would die - innocent blood has a voice and God will bring justice. • FOUR CHARACTERS: • 1) A mom who was out of options but clung to her faith - she had to die to her dream. • 2) A baby who had no choice. • 3) An adoptive mother with a heart of compassion. • 4) A faithful little girl with a solution for life. • VS 1 - About this time - which time? A time when it seemed all hope was lost - dark time. • VS 2 - Imagine these three months - she had her baby but she could have been overcome by fear. • Hebrews 11:23 - Faithful parents - their faith in God’s plan was stronger than their fear of the king’s edict. • Faith always overcomes fear - even when our emotions tell us otherwise. HOW? • VS 3 - WTC - the way to face your fear is to first die to your dreams - let God handle the results. • VS 4 - We see the faith of a mom and the faithfulness of a daughter. • Jesus told the disciples to “keep watch” - Miriam shows us the rewards for doing so. • VS 5-6 - Pharoah’s daughter felt compassion - who do you think put that there? God! • God used a crying baby to control the most powerful woman in the nation. • ** God is in control - He can change the heart of that coach to put you in the game. • The question is, will you honor God if He doesn’t? • VS 7 - faithfulness coupled with proactivity! • Miriam faithfully kept watch and then proactively sprang into action when the time was right. • She proactively put the thought into Pharaoh’s daughter’s mind. • Her reward? • VS 8 - she got her brother back and her mom got her baby back! • The greatest gift a kid can give a parent is faithfulness. • VS 9 - Mom now had her baby and was paid to take care of him! • When you die to your dream and cling to your faith God will come through! • Mom’s situation was so much sweeter AFTER she let her son go than before. • When your faith intersects with God’s faithfulness you will be changed forever. • VS 10 - Mom could let him go once again because God had already proven faithful. • She submitted to his plan, not her own.