
Psalms 2:8 (12/2/18)

Ask God!

December 2, 2018 • Benham Brothers

• God has all the answers, but He often doesn’t reveal them unless we ask.
• God loves to give us little hints into what He’s doing.
• EX: hide and seek w/my young kids - they always wanted to be found.
• If I looked in the wrong place I’d hear them make a noise to point me in the right direction.
• Dan 7:15-16 - Daniel had a dream but didn’t understand it.
• He had to ASK what was going on.
• DAN 8:15-16 - He saw another vision and he sought to understand it.
• God sent Gabriel to give him the meaning (Mary & Zechariah).
• DAN 9:1-3 - Daniel read Jeremiah and “sought” the Lord by prayer and fasting.
• DAN 9:20-23 - God gave Daniel what he asked for.

• Asking God does three things:
• 1) Asking aligns you with your purpose (“Ask me for anything” - Solomon)
• Daniel’s purpose was to write down what he was told.
• PSALMS 2:8 (NIV) - Christ’s purpose was for the nations but He had to ask.
• EX: I woke up the other morning with an intense feeling God wanted me to ask Him for anything.
• Jesus often said before a miracle - "What do you want?"
• When we have an "Ask God" mindset we discover certain things break our hearts and we begin to ask God concerning those things.
• This is His way of guiding us.
• 2) Asking aligns you under God’s authority.
• Asking recognizes the person you’re asking as having authority.
• This aligns you in the proper authority structure and results in POWER.
• Authority is the right to use power.
• 1 JOHN 4:9 (ESV) - God Grid - live “through” Him (spaghetti strainer).
• This is a mindset of “Ask God.” Two things to ask for:
• ** Permission - you need God’s stamp of approval before you do anything.
• ** Provision - God gives TO you so He can give THROUGH you.
• 3) Asking aligns you with God’s will.
• JOHN 14:13 - "I will do whatever you ask for IN MY NAME."
• How do we know God’s will?
• Renewal - Romans 12:1-2. Renewal transforms our minds as we ask, “God, what do you think about this?” “What thoughts do you have toward my husband who’s always late, or my kids who back talk?”