
Holy Money

Four Principles on How to Deal With Money

August 6, 2020 • Benham Brothers

* If your tithe is holy, then the rest of your money is holy.
* Paul is talking about the gospel going to the Gentiles after it went to the Jews.
* The Jews were “the firstfruits” of the gospel and were holy, so now the Gentiles are holy as well.
* They are all “people.”
* But let’s talk about money.
* When you give your tithe / first fruits to God, it makes the rest of your money holy.
* Holy means - Set Apart / Devoted.
* Principles for Holy Money:
* It’s Not Yours - stewardship vs ownership.
* Stewards have possession for not the rights of ownership.
* It’s a tool - tools are used to build things.
* We are responsible to build God’s kingdom.
* It’s a burden-lifter - making your own money allows you to:
* Not be a burden to anyone.
* Not be beholden to anyone.
* Be a blessing to everyone.
* It’s meant to be given - the generous person will always prosper.
* When you give to God you “lend” to the Lord (Proverbs 19:17).
* Giving apart from a strategy is chaos.
* Ex: new apt complex.