
Habakkuk 3:17-19 (1/2/14)

The blessing of the feet

January 2, 2014 • Benham Brothers

Habakuk was a letter written as a dialogue between Habakuk and God
He was wrestling with God about His ways seeming unjust (using evil Babylon to punish Israel)
God replies to him, then Habakuk responds with a new confession of faith
"....Yet I will exult in the Lord" - God loves this kind of heart
It's the same heart that Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednigo had - "even if God doesn't save us we won't bow down"
We must worship God for WHO He is and not WHAT He does for us
God rewards us with "new feet!" Like a deer running through the woods leaping over things that would trip us up
Try running through the woods as fast as you can - you'll break your ankle. But if you had the feet of a deer you would make it through and it will look effortless!
God won't always get us out of the situation but He will always get us through it - He will give us the feet to do it