
Habakkuk 3:17-18 (12/24/14)

Bless God

December 24, 2014 • Benham Brothers

God does not exist to bless us - we exist to bless Him.
Humanistic Christianity has placed man at the center and God as a divine "blessing" machine.
Habakkuk says that whether or not God blesses him, he will still bless God!
God's blessings are simply by-products of who we are, just like I bless my kids.
We must love Him for Who He is regardless of how He chooses to bless us.
How? By remembering WHO we are and WHY we're here.
We were created for a battle - that's the reason we were put on this earth.
But the earth is fruitful, so if the devil can get us focusing on the beauty of the fruit then he doesn't have to worry about us fighting against him and his schemes.
We are here to fight a battle for the Lord, and along the way God will bless us.
But we can't focus on the blessing otherwise we cease to be any use in the kingdom.
* A blessing defined - something God gives to you for the benefit of others.
Our role in regard to blessings is to be a conduit, not a cul-de-sac.
God must remain at the center.