
1 Chronicles 7:39-40 (9/20/23)

Four Qualities of a Leader

September 20, 2023 • Benham Brothers • 1 Chronicles 7:39–40

* We are in desperate need of male leaders to step up today. 

* Last week we talked about the Jezebel spirit - it seeks to emasculate and eliminate men. 

  * But what qualities should a man exhibit? 

  * The below gives us excellent advice as parents to raise up a generation of strong young men. 

* Vs 39-40 - “The sons of Ulla were Arah, Hanniel and Rizia. All these were the sons of Asher, heads of the fathers’ houses, choice and mighty men of valor, heads of the princes…” 

* Notice what is said about Asher’s sons. 

* They had four outstanding qualities: 

  * 1) They were “heads” of their families. 

    * Asher raised his sons to be leaders. 

    * A leader knows where he’s going and shows others how to join him along the way.

  * 2) They were “chosen men.” 

    * Asher raised his boys to be the cream of the crop. 

      * EX: Chosen for the team. 

    * They were the kind of men a father would choose for his daughter to marry. 

    * They were men of high character and strong ethical standards who accepted responsibility.

  * 3) They were “valiant warriors.” 

    * They were men of valor, like those who fought alongside David in his many battles. 

    * They had a sense of boldness and conviction and were ready to take a stand when needed. 

      * A boy becomes a man when he knows how to properly use his strength. 

      * To provide for and protect others. 

  * 4) They were “chiefs among the leaders.” 

    * They were leaders among leaders. 

    * Another word for leader is “prince.” 

    * A prince is just a king waiting to happen. 

    * Our boys need to know they have a KING in them!