
Genesis 1:3-4 (1/5/17)


January 5, 2017 • Benham Brothers

* Right from the beginning God created the principle of separation.
* God formed everything, but before He filled it He had to bring separation.
* Separation - creating distance in order to make distinction resulting in an environment where life can flourish.
* Separation gives us the proper focus - we can see things better when there’s proper distance.
* We can apply this principle to lots of things:
* Spiritually, we have to remain separate in order to experience life and see the world properly.
* When a person is separate from the world (holy) they can make distinction which leads to life - this is why the priests are to teach the people how to make distinction (Hebrews 5).
* Personally, we need separation (margin) in our lives - space between our current pace and our limits.
* Corporately, as entrepreneurs we need to separate ourselves from the business, to work ON it not just IN it.
* Relationally, we need margin in order to flourish - overcommitment is a relationship killer.
* Look at verse 14 - Culturally, as the light of the world, we are to be separators.
* Light separates day from night.
* So we not only remain separate, but we separate…….light from darkness.