
2 Chronicles 13:13-16 (6/30/16)

Winning the Battle

June 30, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• Abijah became king of Judah after Rehoboam.
• He and Jeroboam drew up in battle - civil war.
• Jeroboam wouldn’t listen when Abijah tried to talk him out of it.
• Judah was surrounded and there seemed no possible way for them to win.
• Notice the three steps they took to win the battle:
• 1) They cried out to the Lord.
• Faith is what pleases God, so when we’re in a fix we need to cling to our faith.
• We do this by keeping our focus on Him and not on the problem.
• 2 Chronicles 14:11 - look how Asa cried out to the Lord - he recognized God’s power, confessed his own inadequacy, reminded God that it was His battle, and relied fully on God for victory.
• 2) The priests blew the trumpets.
• The spiritual leaders were the ones who cried, “CHARGE!”
• They recognized the enemy and pointed the people in the right direction to attack.
• 3) They raised the battle cry.
• They were ready to fight to the death.
• They asked God to do His part and they were ready to do theirs.
• Result - God kicked in and kicked butt.