
1 Timothy 3:1-7 (10/15/20)

Leadership 101

October 15, 2020 • Benham Brothers

* What does it take to be a good leader?
* Paul shares with Timothy the qualifications of a person who could run a church.
* The same qualifications needed to run a non-profit are what are needed to run a for-profit.
* Vs 1-7 - Paul splits his advice into what the leaders SHOULD BE and what they SHOULDN’T BE.
* Here’s what they need to be (vs 2, 4, 5, 7):
* 1) Above reproach (vs 2) - he’s blameless, without having anything in his life that could bring shame to the church. (Like a businessman meeting a woman for biz lunch alone)
* 2) Faithful to his wife (vs 2) - literal translation, “a one-woman man.” His marriage shows you the kind of person he is.
* 3) Temperate (vs 2) - he’s even-keeled. He doesn’t get out of sorts when poop hits the fan. Keeps a cool head (like the gazelle running from a cheetah - it’s brain stays cooler than the cheetah, so he can outrun it).
* 4) Self-controlled (vs 2) - he’s in charge of his Emotions and Appetites. He manages what he feels and controls what he wants.
* 5) Disciplined (vs 2) - the NIV says “respectable,” but the Passion Version says “living a disciplined life.” Discipline leads to delight.
* 6) Hospitable (vs 2) - he likes people and is willing to share what he has with others. Hospital people allow others full access to themselves. They consider their thing your thing.
* 7) Able to Teach (vs 2) - he is able to divulge what he digests. A teacher does the mental heavy lifting for you to process more easily (like Tori pureeing food for our kids).
* 8) Manage his family well (vs 4-5) - your ability as a parent shows more about you than anything else. Your kids obey from the heart, not out of being controlled.
* 9) Worthy of respect (vs 7) - needs a good reputation. He needs to live a life that others admire, even if they don’t agree with him. They respect his stand.
* Here’s what he can’t be (vs 3, 6):
* 1) Given to drunkenness (vs 3) - he’s gotta be able to control his appetite, especially for things that can intoxicate.
* 2) Violent (vs 3) - he’s got to be gentle, not easily riled-up and explosive with his words and deeds. Prov 16:32 - One who is slow to anger is better than the mighty… (Samson)
* 3) Quarrelsome (vs 3) - he can’t be easily agitated, always ready to fight. He must operate out of a position of confidence, not insecurity.
* 4) A lover of money (vs 3) - money can’t have a grip on him. He’s got to be able to see people as people, not dollar signs. He finds his security in God.
* 5) Not a recent convert (vs 6) - he can’t be someone who wants too much influence too fast. He’s gotta be patient to grow slow.

1 Timothy 1:4-5 (10/16/15)

October 16, 2015 • Benham Brothers

1 Timothy is written by Paul to Timothy about the church and his involvement in leading. vs 1:4 - The church was to rebuke any teacher who led to speculations. Speculation vs Stewardship: A relationship with Christ is something we “steward.” vs 1:5 - The end goal for teaching is love, which springs from a: 1) Pure heart - no bad motives. 2) Good conscience - no secret sin. 3) Sincere faith - you want Jesus for Him and not just His stuff.

I Timothy 1:5 (10/26/13)

October 26, 2013 • Benham Brothers

Jesus left the earth and gave us the Holy Spirit. He commissioned Paul to explain the mysteries of the gospel, which people did not understand without his teaching. Paul wrote first to cities, then to individuals. He wrote his longest letters to Timothy. Here is some of his encouragement: God "is" love. The ACT of love springs from something, like a river has a source - love does too Pure Heart - you're not in love with two gods (ex: Tori is the only one for me!) Clean Conscience - blameless, not sinless - cleansed from sin Sincere Faith - "Chutzpah" - they "hold on" relentlessly like Jacob did when he wrestled God

1 Timothy 1:15 (10/11/18)

October 11, 2018 • Benham Brothers

A humanist begins with two basic presuppositions: 1) Man is ultimately good. 2) Man is the center of all things. A Biblical Christian begins with two basic presuppositions: 1) Man is ultimately bad. 2) God is the center of all things. In this verse Paul reveals that's he's not a humanist. Many Christians in the church today are humanist and they don't even know it. They believe God exists to bless them - it's all about them. But we exist to bless God.